Stone Stacks are collections of crystals crafted into hanging stacks, acting as an amplifier of energy to unique attributes, such as Zodiacs & Chakras.
Most of us know the astrological sign we were born under. This is the Zodiac Sign that was in
the horizon when we decided to birth into life here on earth. Learning about the qualities of our
Zodiac Sign/Sun Sign is beneficial as they are evidenced as we live our lives. Taking the time to
identify your inclinations and evaluating their effect on your energy alignment is a good learning
opportunity. Deciding to intentionally move into better balance for your benefit and others will
expand you and your connection to your True Self, your point of power.
Qualities are mutable. Be open when you evaluate yourself. Most of us know the things we could
change about ourselves. One could imagine it is easier not to change, or at least consider this.
Not changing and believing everyone must adapt to you, “that’s just the way I am”, is not reality.
To live our best life, we must become the best we can be. Self-growth is worth the investment.
As we move forward with balancing, we shift to the aligned aspects of our Mirror Sign. Our
Mirror Sign compliments us similar to a yin/yang balance.
Capricorn <-> Cancer
Aquarius <-> Leo
Pisces <-> Virgo
Aries <-> Libra
Taurus <-> Scorpio
Gemini <-> Sagittarius
Zodiac Stacks will support your expansion to a more balanced you. The stones bring beauty and
inner wisdom. Place them in a room where you spend time. Great places to consider are your
sleeping space and meditation/prayer areas. The more time appreciating them better.
Begin with your Sun Sign stones. You know this part of you best and can determine your goals
more readily. When ready, work with your Mirror Sign. Enjoy this expanded you. Click below to purchase.
A Chakra is a whirling, vortex like, powerhouse of energy, within our bodies. There are seven major Chakra centers in the human body. Chakras regulate the flow of energy throughout the electrical network (meridians) that runs through the physical body. The body’s electrical system resembles the wiring in a house. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part and is ready for use when needed. These are the crystals specific to activate and align each of the seven major Chakras.
Hang by a Window. Hang by a Bedside. Hang in the Car. Hang from the Ceiling.
Root Chakra relates to physical body, support, spine, legs, feet, physical safety, security, survival, trust in one’s own world, being grounded in the physical world, sense of belonging, ability to take care of self. (RED, FAITH, EARTH, I AM SAFE). Each hand-made Root Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns with the crystals to support your connection to earth, groundedness, trust in faith, not fear, health, protection, physical needs, and feelings of safety.
Sacral Chakra relates to sexual/reproductive organs, lower vertebrae, pelvis, hips, bladder, sexuality, creativity, relationships, childhood experiences, transition and financial security. (ORANGE, EMOTIONS, WATER, I FLOW WITH LIFE). Each hand-made Sacral Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns with the crystals to support your emotional center, chi source energy, all aspects of creation, intimacy, family, healing wounds from childhood, and increased focus on what brings you joyful pleasure.
Solar Plexus Chakra relates to the abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, spleen, adrenal glands, digestion, self-esteem, self-confidence, fear and intimidation, need to control, decisions, will power, addictions, and procrastination. (YELLOW, SOUL, FIRE, I CAN). Each hand-made Solar Plexus Chakra Stone Stack is unique a aligns with the crystals to support digestion, self confidence, boundaries, consistency in good choices, aiding your emotional center, and deeper more peaceful breath.
Heart Chakra relates to physical heart, lungs, shoulders, breasts, thymus, circulatory system, love and hatred, grief, balance, hope, loneliness, compassion, and ability to give/receive unconditional love. (GREEN, LOVE, AIR, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ONESELF & OTHERS). Each hand-made Heart Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns with the crystals to support self-love, balance of giving & receiving, forgiveness, acceptance, harmony, and flexibility to new ideas of growth.
Throat Chakra relates to thyroid, teeth, gums, cervical spine, voice, trachea, esophagus, communication, timing, freedom of choice, self-expression, judgment and criticism. (BLUE, VOICE, SOUND, I SPEAK DIVINE TRUTH). Each hand-made Throat Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns with the crystals to support creativity, speaking up, creating boundaries, healing, breathing, and releasing what no longer serves you.
Third Eye Chakra relates to the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal, intuition, emotional and mental intellect, ability to see clearly. (INDIGO, INTUITION, ALL ELEMENTS COMBINED, I SEE). Each hand-made Third Eye Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns with the crystals to support meditation, visualization, psychic gifts, connection to spiritual well-being, telepathy, and connection to your inner knowing.
Crown Chakra relates to trust of life’s purpose, connection to Divine Source, higher consciousness, faith, selflessness, spirituality and beliefs. (PURPLE/WHITE, SPIRIT, NO ELEMENT, I AM AWARE AND UNDERSTANDING). Each handmade Crown Chakra Stone Stack is unique and aligns you with the crystals to celebrate oneness, inner knowing, non-attachment, connection with the divine, and spirituality.